Pregnant workers protected, no thanks to Cline

On June 27, the federal Pregnant Workers Fairness Act took effect.

The law requires employers to provide accommodations for pregnancy-related medical conditions, everything from pregnancy to childbirth to postpartum recovery. 

The law also protects workers from retaliation after making those requests and from being forced into taking unpaid leave.

Examples could be giving a worker additional time to sit, rest, drink, eat or use the bathroom. It could mean relaxing some policies to allow workers a stool to sit on, allow them to wear maternity clothing or allow a water bottle in an area where it’s not typically allowed. Schedule-wise, accommodations could include time off for prenatal appointments, accommodating for morning sickness or allowing remote work if available. 

For workers with jobs that require significant manual labor, transferring workers to light duty or temporarily transferring them to a less physically demanding job would constitute an accommodation.

As previously reported here, the “pro-life,” “pro-family” Congressman Cline vote NO when it came up for a vote in May 2021.

But mysteriously, Cline voted YES on the exact same bill in September 2020. As I wrote after his 2021 NO vote:

So why, between September and May, did Cline change his mind and decide that he didn’t want to protect the rights of pregnant workers after all?

Ask him. Please.


Preserve and protect Social Security? Never mind.

Last February I posted about self-styled Leninist Steve Bannon’s interview with Congressman Cline after President Biden’s latest State of the Union address.

Bannon began the interview by claiming that President Biden’s assertion that some Republicans want to cut Social Security is a “bald-faced lie.” (It’s not.)

Cline replied: “We have to put out a balanced budget that preserves and protects Social Security and Medicare and does not go after those essential programs.”

Bannon then asked: “What are your constituents telling you after they heard the State of the Union?”

Cline said: “They’re furious and so am I.”


He continued: “[Biden] baits us by saying, ‘Oh you all want to cut Social Security and Medicare.’ Well, of course we’re going to object in the middle of his speech…When somebody lies to your face, you’re gonna tell them they’re lying to their face. And that’s what we did during the State of the Union.”

But Biden was not lying. Cline proved it when he helped engineer a plan to cut Social Security and weaken Medicare.

The largest bloc of House conservatives offered up a fiscal blueprint Wednesday that promises to balance the federal budget in seven years, make GOP tax cuts permanent, and slash domestic spending.

The plan offered by the 175-member Republican Study Committee would gradually raise the age at which future retirees can start claiming full Social Security benefits from 67 to 69, a politically fraught proposal that’s all but certain to appear in Democratic campaign ads.

The document also proposes a “premium support” plan that would subsidize private insurance options that compete with traditional Medicare. That would be similar to budget plans proposed by Rep. Paul D. Ryan, R-Wis., during his tenure in Congress that were panned by Democrats and some Republicans, including former President Donald Trump.


“The RSC budget would implement common-sense policies to prevent the impending debt disaster, tame inflation, grow the economy, protect our national security, and defund [President Joe] Biden’s woke priorities,” said Virginia Rep. Ben Cline, chairman of the group’s Budget and Spending Task Force.


Cline said the group has proposed gradually raising the Social Security retirement age, but not for current retirees or those nearing retirement. He said those now aged 59 would see an increase in the retirement age of three months per year beginning in 2026. The retirement age would reach 69 for those who turn 62 in 2033.

While any financial fix will require a bipartisan compromise, Cline said, “We are taking action, whereas the White House and Democrats refuse to acknowledge that Social Security and Medicare are facing insolvency.”

Biden and congressional Democrats thus far have focused their efforts to reduce those two programs’ budget shortfalls by reining in Medicare prescription drug costs, and by raising Medicare and Social Security payroll taxes on high-income earners.

As the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities points out, workers planning an earlier retirement will see lifetime payouts reduced if the full retirement age is raised.

The impact of all this would fall hardest on older low-income workers doing physically demanding jobs who are more likely to stop work due to health issues– in other words, a large portion of the constituents that Cline purports to represent.

Cline will claim that he only wants to cut benefits for future Social Security recipients. But he needs to be reminded by all of us: a cut is still a cut.


Congressman Cline is turning into an anti-“woke” parody of himself.

(Fact check.)

Does Cline really believe that the Chinese base their military tactics on our military’s pronoun policies?

Expect a lot more of this shtick from Cline. It’s easier than dealing seriously with the real problems faced by his Sixth District constituents– including the fact that 44 percent of them are poor or otherwise struggling to make ends meet.

Cline backs Youngkin’s National Guard deployment stunt

Gov. Youngkin’s latest partisan stunt is at the expense of Virginia’s taxpayers and the National Guard personnel who will be needlessly separated from their families, their jobs and their communities.

But that’s fine with Congressman Cline:

Much as Youngkin and Cline want us to believe otherwise, the fact is that Fentanyl is primarily smuggled into the United States through legal ports of entry by US citizens– not across unguarded borders by foreigners.