He lost, Congressman. Get over it.

Last week on his campaign Facebook page, Congressman Cline continued to defend Donald Trump’s delusional and dangerous efforts to overturn the clear result of the November 3 Presidential election.

He linked to an article in the rightwing Washington Examiner about a court hearing in Nevada at which lawyers for Trump were supposed to present evidence of massive fraud and illegalities in the state, which President-elect Joe Biden carried. Note the hopeful headline:

The hearing occurred Thursday. On Friday the judge issued his ruling. The “huge court win” turned into a huge court loss for Trump and Cline.

In a detailed, 35-page decision, Judge James T. Russell of the Nevada District Court in Carson City vetted each claim of fraud and wrongdoing made by the Trump campaign in the state and found that none was supported by convincing proof. The judge dismissed the challenge with prejudice, ruling that the campaign failed to offer any basis for annulling more than 1.3 million votes cast in the state’s presidential race.

The campaign “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor in an amount equal to or greater than” Biden’s margin of victory, which was about 33,600 votes, Russell wrote.

Among its allegations, the campaign claimed that more than 61,000 people voted twice or from out-of-state.

In his ruling, Russell concurred with election officials and academic experts that there is no evidence for this, and specifically dismissed witness declarations that had been touted by the campaign, calling them “self-serving statements of little or no evidentiary value.”

Time to move on, Congressman.

2 thoughts on “He lost, Congressman. Get over it.

  1. One of the most disturbing things is here is Cline’s November 19 Facebook post, “Proud to support my friend Sydney Powell in her fight to count every legal vote for DJT”…
    Seriously? She has gotten crazier every day since then. Does Cline believe all of her conspiracy theories? When did he start supporting people like this?


  2. I do not understand what the Ben’s goal is. He seems to be a reasonably intelligent young man. So what is in it for him? I hate to think that he has the same mindset as Trump and these other crazies who are pushing baseless information that can only be an attempt to harm and disrupt our democratic government.


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